
How To Find A Buyer For Your Rehab Property FAST

Posted by Barbara Musoka // January 1, 2018

In the world of real estate time is money. With every rehab property you work on it is essential that you find a buyer as quickly as possible. The interest payments, insurance and taxes don’t stop until your property gets sold. The first 24 hours of any new listings is the best time to generate […]

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6 Hidden Fees That Can Ruin Your Rental Property

Posted by Barbara Musoka // December 1, 2017

Every Rental Property you own should be treated like its own individual business. Like any business you need to know everything that impacts your bottom line. In many cases there are several little things that can eat away at your cash flow if you are not careful. Alone they will not break the bank, or […]

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How To Build A Buyers List From Scratch

Posted by Barbara Musoka // November 1, 2017

You never know when you will come across a deal that doesn’t quite fit with what you are looking to do. When these types of deals come your way, it is important that you can still find ways to generate income from them. One of the ways to earn is by wholesaling them to a […]

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5 Tasks To Complete At The End Of Every Lease

Posted by Barbara Musoka // October 1, 2017

No Landlord likes dealing with tenant turnover. However, it is a critical part of the job. How you deliver the rental to your tenant often sets the tone for the rest of the lease. If the property is sloppy, or even dirty, your tenants will feel that since you don’t take care of it they […]

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7 Things You Should Do Before Your Next Tenant Moves In

Posted by Barbara Musoka // September 1, 2017

There is a big difference between a good Landlord and a great one. In most cases it is the little things you do that make all the difference. By going the extra mile, even when you do not have to, you will have a happier tenant that respects you and the property. A happier tenant […]

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Rid Your Real Estate Investing Company of Negativity

Posted by Barbara Musoka // August 1, 2017

Negativity is one of the single biggest threats to real estate investing companies. It can poison and rot even the best organizations from the inside out a lot faster than most understand. So how can you stop the infection? There are many sources of negativity which can seep in and sabotage real estate investing businesses. […]

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4 Financial Exercises Every Investor Should Add To Their Daily Routine

Posted by Barbara Musoka // July 1, 2017

We live in a day and age where being health conscious is in. All you need to do is turn on your TV for twenty minutes and you will find a commercial about eating better or exercising more. As great as being physically healthy is as a Real Estate Investor you also need to focus […]

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4 Ways To Be A Better Landlord

Posted by Barbara Musoka // June 1, 2017

Owning a rental property and collecting rent checks is one of the best aspects of real estate investing. As great as being a landlord is, it is far from easy.  There is a lot that goes into owning a rental property.  Between finding a good property, good tenants and putting a good team in place, […]

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4 Advantages Of Multi Family Investing

Posted by Barbara Musoka // May 1, 2017

There is more than one way to invest in real estate. One of the most intimidating hurdles in the real estate world is taking the leap to multifamily investing.  The common thought is that with increased units comes increased risk.  The reality is that the opposite is often the case.  Sure, multifamily properties can be […]

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5 Ways To Avoid Neglecting Your Business Website

Posted by Barbara Musoka // April 1, 2017

Technology is moving at the speed of light.  Think about how cool and modern your new phone was just a few years ago.  If you look at that same phone today it is probably outdated and in some cases even obsolete.  The same is the case when it comes to your business website.  It is […]

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