
5 Mistakes You Should Never Repeat Twice

Posted by Barbara Musoka // November 1, 2018

Everyone in business makes mistakes. When you are self-employed your mistakes tend to sting a little bit more. Instead of explaining yourself to a boss, there is nobody to blame, but yourself. Under the right circumstances a mistake can be used a learning experience. However, if you continue to make the same mistake again eventually […]

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Improve Your Next Email Campaign With These 5 Easy Tips

Posted by Barbara Musoka // October 1, 2018

Marketing and lead generation are the cornerstone of your business. With a steady flow of leads coming in, you should be able to maintain a consistent pipeline. The minute you start neglecting your marketing, your business will come to a screeching halt. As difficult as marketing can be at times, there are more options in […]

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5 Characteristics That Separate The Good From The Great

Posted by Barbara Musoka // September 1, 2018

The reality of the real estate investing business is that for every new investor that knocks it out of the park there are five others that struggle getting off the ground. Even though they all start on a level playing field some manage to find deals just a little quicker. The longer you are in […]

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5 Biggest Fears Of Owning A Rental Property (That You Shouldn’t Be Afraid Of)

Posted by Barbara Musoka // August 1, 2018

A healthy real estate portfolio is one of the keys to true long-term wealth. Even a sole single-family rental can completely change your financial outlook. As much as you may see the upside with a rental, there are a handful of negatives that can be difficult to ignore. There is no question that if you […]

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How To Manipulate Your Mindset To Achieve Success

Posted by Barbara Musoka // July 1, 2018

Every real estate investor wants to be successful. There is nobody who starts a new career thinking they will fail. However, wanting to be successful only works if you are willing to pay the price and make the necessary sacrifices. This is especially important in the world of real estate where setbacks and disappointment are […]

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5 Items To Consider Before Diving Head First Into Real Estate

Posted by Barbara Musoka // June 1, 2018

You don’t need to invest full time to be a success in real estate. There are many investors who have kept their full-time job while balancing a budding investing career. This can be difficult initially, but over time it becomes part of your regular routine. The best way to ease the transition is by planning […]

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6 Tips To Help Improve Business Negotiation

Posted by Barbara Musoka // May 1, 2018

Negotiation is an essential part in almost everything you do. Without even realizing it you negotiate with your spouse, kids, business partner, contractor and attorney on a daily basis. Some negotiations are worth thousands of dollars and others are strictly for principal. It is human nature to try to win every negotiation we are part […]

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What’s Your Exit Strategy?

Posted by Barbara Musoka // April 1, 2018

Having a good deal fall on your lap is only beneficial if you know what to do with it. There will be times in your business when you will be presented with what appears to be a solid deal. Without even thinking you rush to take ownership with the intention of just figuring it out […]

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4 Real Estate Investing Principals To Live By

Posted by Barbara Musoka // March 1, 2018

The real estate investing business is more than numbers and properties. You can spend your days studying charts and looking at trends, but if you don’t do the little things it doesn’t make a difference. Every investor should treat their investing like a business. With this, there are a few important principals that should guide […]

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5 Things To Look For In A Rental Property Deal

Posted by Barbara Musoka // February 1, 2018

All rental properties are not created equally. As attractive as some rental properties are, others can be a disaster. Not only will they be a constant headache to deal with but they can also be a detriment to your bottom line. There are many investors who want to build their portfolio and think that any […]

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