
How To Be More Productive And Improve Your Bottom Line

Posted by Barbara Musoka // September 1, 2019

Business is all about generating income. You can have tons of busy work and potential deals, but unless you turn those into revenue it doesn’t make a difference. In the world of real estate being efficient with your time is a must. If you blow it on tasks that don’t move the needle you will […]

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How To Improve Your Rental Property Listing Photos

Posted by Barbara Musoka // August 1, 2019

One of the most common places to find new tenants is the internet. There are more rental property listing sites today than ever before. In just a few clicks tenants can find a handful of rentals in their desired market, at their price point and in their timeframe. Gone are the days of relying on […]

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Indications Of A Strong Real Estate Market

Posted by Barbara Musoka // July 1, 2019

As an investor, in a perfect world you would only invest in markets on the way up. Being a little too early on a market, is much better than a little too late. Finding emerging markets takes diligence and the ability to pour through data. It also takes discipline to know when to walk away, […]

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How To Handle A Real Estate Crisis

Posted by Barbara Musoka // June 1, 2019

If you are in the real estate investing business long enough eventually you will face a business crisis. Your tenant may cause damage to a rental property, a deal maybe lost at the 11th hour or a rehab may have unexpected issues. How you act when these present themselves will not only determine the immediate […]

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Common Traps Investors Should Avoid

Posted by Barbara Musoka // May 1, 2019

No two real estate investors are the same. You may have similar styles & tastes, but there is always something about you and your business that makes you start at the same point and where we go from there is completely up to us. There is no sugarcoating the fact that investing is difficult at […]

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5 Tips to Accelerate Your Real Estate Business Growth

Posted by Barbara Musoka // April 1, 2019

Building a business takes time. With the influence of modern technology, we are conditioned to want, and have, everything in the blink of an eye. When it doesn’t happen, we are easily bored and frustrated and don’t focus like we need to. Building a successful real estate business is no different. We want the business […]

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5 Questions To Ask Before Taking On A Business Partner

Posted by Barbara Musoka // March 1, 2019

At some point in every real estate investors career, they will entertain the thought of working with a partner. In some cases, the right partner will be the best thing you can do, greatly accelerating your business growth. In other scenarios, you will almost instantly regret the partnership and look for ways to get out […]

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Avoid These 5 Costly Investing Mistakes

Posted by Barbara Musoka // February 1, 2019

With any business, the goal should be to constantly take incremental steps forward. If you can scratch out even a small profit on every deal you will ultimately be ahead of the game. As a real estate investor, you are faced with a handful of important decisions daily. Without even knowing it at the time […]

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5 Ways To Achieve Your New Year Goals

Posted by Barbara Musoka // January 1, 2019

It is hard to believe that 2019 is already here. It seems like only yesterday we were in the middle of spring and starting to think about summer. The reality is that the clock doesn’t stop, and the calendar often moves quicker than we would like. If you are like most people in business you […]

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5 Essential People To Add To Your Real Estate Team

Posted by Barbara Musoka // December 1, 2018

The strength of your investing business is in the people you surround yourself with. You can have access to capital and a good plan on putting it to use, but if your team is poor, ultimately you will suffer. The importance of your team is magnified as you are just starting out. You are pulled […]

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