
How To Successfully Purchase A Rental Property

Posted by Barbara Musoka // July 1, 2020

A rental property purchase is not the same as a fix and flip project. With a fix and flip deal, you are focused on generating short term profits whereas a buy and hold rental may be in your portfolio for several years. It is essential that you know everything about your rental market, the property […]

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Purchasing Your First Rental Property

Posted by Barbara Musoka // June 1, 2020

Nothing is more beneficial to your long term financial health than the right rental property. Sure, quick flips and rehabs are great for the short term, but a strategic acquisition of a rental property can completely change your portfolio. Not only are they a source for surplus monthly cash flow, but they also build equity […]

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Buying Rental Properties in Poor Locations

Posted by Barbara Musoka // May 1, 2020

One of the things that makes real estate investing so great is that there are different options for different tastes. A situation that you may personally be staunchly opposed to, someone else may see value in. It doesn’t make either of you right or wrong, it simply boils down to personal evaluation. One of these […]

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How To Attract Tenants To Your Rental Property

Posted by Barbara Musoka // April 1, 2020

Having a quality rental property is not enough to attract tenants. In hot markets, good rentals may be a dime a dozen. You need to come up with ways to have your property stand out from the crowd. Instead of massive upgrades throughout the property you are better off making subtle, but impactful, changes. Updating […]

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Should You Sell Your Investment Property?

Posted by Barbara Musoka // March 1, 2020

Take a minute and consider how much your investing business has changed over the past twelve months. There is a good chance that you have probably undergone some subtle, and not so subtle, changes in philosophy and direction. It is always better to be a step or two ahead rather than chasing outdated trends and […]

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Why You May Not Want to Sell Your House By Yourself

Posted by Barbara Musoka // February 1, 2020

Every real estate investor looks for ways to save money. One of the most common areas to save on a fix and flip deal is with your closing costs. Reducing, or eliminating, some of the fees will have a sizable impact on your bottom line. However, you need to pick and choose your battles wisely. […]

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What To Learn When A Deal Falls Through

Posted by Barbara Musoka // January 1, 2020

One of the hardest things for any investor to experience is losing a deal. You may spend weeks, even months, chasing after a property only for it to fall out unexpectedly. As much as this stings, it is a part of the business. Every investor loses a tough deal or faces an unexpected setback from […]

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How To Instantly Generate More Deals

Posted by Barbara Musoka // December 1, 2019

The real estate investing business is all about consistency. You want to get to the point where you have consistency in team building, networking, lead generation and every aspect of your business. If you are consistent in these areas, things have a way of falling in place. Every investor wants the opportunity to do more […]

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How To Find A Reliable Contractor

Posted by Barbara Musoka // November 1, 2019

Behind any good Real Estate Investor is a reliable contractor. Whether your business is built on flipping houses or buying investment properties, a quality Contractor is essential. They will help keep your project moving in the right direction and cut off potential problems before they get too big. They will handle everything from simple maintenance […]

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Are Vacation Houses A Smart Investment?

Posted by Barbara Musoka // October 1, 2019

There is nothing quite like spending time with friends and family at a vacation rental property. In fact, there is a chance that some of you are reading this right now sipping coffee overlooking your favorite morning spot. As much as you may relish your time spent there it doesn’t necessarily mean you should make […]

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