
5 Tips To Help Organize Your Business

Posted by Barbara Musoka // May 1, 2021

We live in a fast-paced world where multitasking is the norm rather than the exception. If you are like most people, it is common to try to handle five different tasks at once. As great as multitasking sounds not everyone is good at it. Unless you know how to keep your business organized, it is […]

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4 Benefits of Pre-Purchasing A Flipped Home

Posted by Barbara Musoka // April 1, 2021

There are pros and cons to buying flipped houses. The main benefit is that you won’t have to manage any major renovations on your own. It’s the most convenient type of house to buy unless you’re going to buy a brand-new home—but then you’d be paying a lot more. Of course, there are horror stories. You […]

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Navigating Rental Ownership during the Pandemic

Posted by Barbara Musoka // March 1, 2021

Rental property ownership is filled with ups and downs. If you currently own residential real estate, you may be faced with the most difficult period of your ownership. In addition to trying to navigate your personal financial situation, you have to worry about rent coming in from your tenants. The protection of your lease may […]

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The Four Most Common Reasons Home Buyers Back Out of Real Estate Transactions

Posted by Barbara Musoka // February 1, 2021

Completing a successful Real Estate Transaction is difficult. It takes several moving parts coming together at the right time to get a deal to the finish line. Even when you have a signed contract, you still need the inspection, appraisal, insurance and closing to go off without a hitch. All it takes is one person […]

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How To Be A Better Landlord

Posted by Barbara Musoka // January 1, 2021

Investing in rental properties can be one of the most difficult things you do in real estate. It can also be one of the most profitable if executed properly.Being a landlord is not exactly rocket science. You find a property, make subtle improvements, get good tenants and collect rent checks. Your rent checks should exceed the […]

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Who Pays the Real Estate Commissions?

Posted by Barbara Musoka // December 1, 2020

In a typical listing agreement, instructions are defined in writing for how both Listing Agent and Buyer’s Agent receive their commission at the Close of Escrow. Industry Standard suggest the Listing Agent receives about 3.5% in a normal transaction while the Buyer’s Agent receives about 2.5%. Does that mean the seller or the buyer pays […]

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How to Make Your Offer More Competitive!

Posted by Barbara Musoka // November 1, 2020

Losing out on a home you’ve offered on SUCKS. Walking the property, imagining the move, picturing the space as your own…….all to have another buyer swoop in and submit a better offer. No more! Landing your dream home is now about timing, contract structure and submitting the strongest offer possible as soon as you can. […]

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The Five biggest drawbacks of a Lender-Financed Offer

Posted by Barbara Musoka // October 1, 2020

All offers are not created equally. It cannot be stated enough just how important it is to choose the right offer, not just the one with the highest price. The right offer is one that actually closes and allows you to move on from the transaction. The wrong offer has an unexpected problem at the […]

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What to Look for in a Strong Cash Buyer

Posted by Barbara Musoka // September 1, 2020

A seller’s goal should be to find the highest offer with the strongest probability of closing. While a near asking price offer may look great after initial review, it may be full of unnecessary contingencies and red flags that may put you in a bad position as the seller. What if you knew what to look for […]

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Selling Your Home During COVID-19

Posted by Barbara Musoka // August 1, 2020

Even with the backdrop of a pandemic extremely present, the Real Estate world does not stop. There are many sellers who were waiting for the spring market to list their home and find a buyer. On the surface it would seem that these plans have taken a hit, but in reality they just need a […]

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