
5 Tips To Help Get Your Offer (Or Counter Offer) Accepted

Posted by Barbara Musoka // March 1, 2017

It is very discouraging tracking a property for weeks only to not have your offer accepted. There are times when you and the seller are far apart and any offer you submit will be quickly rejected.  It is the properties with limited competition where you need to secure the deal.  Sometimes the seller will have […]

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Are You Still On Track To Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions?

Posted by Barbara Musoka // February 1, 2017

As hard as it may be to believe 2017 is already over four weeks old. It feels like just yesterday we were sitting down writing our resolutions thinking about all the wonderful things 2017 has in store.  Before you know it spring will be here quickly followed by summer.  If you are not careful 2017 […]

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How To Hit The Ground Running In 2017

Posted by Barbara Musoka // January 1, 2017

The end of the year is a popular time to take inventory of your business. With the Christmas holiday, there is usually plenty of opportunity to reflect on where your business has been over the past twelve months.  It can be a pretty eye opening exercise looking back at where you were just twelve months […]

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5 Mistakes To Avoid When Starting Your Real Estate Career

Posted by Barbara Musoka // December 1, 2016

The first 100 days in any business are important. They set the tone for where your business is and where you want it to go. It is not a stretch to say that every decision you make during this time is critical.  In the world of real estate it can be the difference in finding […]

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5 Ways to develop the perfect Partnership

Posted by Barbara Musoka // November 1, 2016

One of the best ways to jumpstart your business as you are starting out is by developing a partnership. In a perfect world a business partner will allow your business to accelerate the learning curve and grow as quickly as possible.  As ideal as this may be it doesn’t always work out that way.  Rushing […]

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5 Crucial Pieces Of Advice For Real Estate Investors

Posted by Barbara Musoka // October 1, 2016

As a real estate investor it is easy to get influenced by the people around you. With every networking meeting and investment club you can hear a different way to run your business.  Sometimes the advice is sound and can change the way you do things.  In most cases what works for someone else does […]

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Flipping Houses: 4 Projects That Are Worth the Money

Posted by Barbara Musoka // September 1, 2016

Since the goal of flipping houses is to sell your real estate investment for more than it costs to rehabilitate it, many people try to minimize expenses as much as possible. However, sometimes it’s better to spend the money in order to raise your house’s property value as high as it can go. Here are […]

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10 Tips for Maximizing Small Living Spaces

Posted by Barbara Musoka // August 1, 2016

How can you make the most out of your living space? With mobility on the rise and affordability getting worse, renters and homebuyers are frequently finding themselves living in tighter quarters than they’d like.   Whether you desperately crave to make your current space bigger, make a new home work for your large family, or to maximize a […]

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Real Estate Investing: 4 Underestimated Rental Property Expenses

Posted by Barbara Musoka // July 1, 2016

This is an incredible time for investing in real estate and locking into passive income and long term wealth building by acquiring rental properties. However, while cash flow spreads may be fatter than ever and we appear to be on the verge of an extended period of equity growth it is those sneaky, unexpected expenses […]

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8 Professionals You Need On Your Investing Team

Posted by Barbara Musoka // June 1, 2016

In real estate you are only as good as your weakest link. You can have all the motivation in the world but you need a good team around you to make it happen.  Even though you may invest individually you need the support of the people around you.  Your team consists of many individuals that […]

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