5 Ways To Avoid Neglecting Your Business Website

5 Ways To Avoid Neglecting Your Business Website

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business website

Technology is moving at the speed of light.  Think about how cool and modern your new phone was just a few years ago.  If you look at that same phone today it is probably outdated and in some cases even obsolete.  The same is the case when it comes to your business website.  It is no longer just a nice touch to have a website it is an absolute necessity.  Unfairly or not you are often judged on the content, layout and presentation of your site.  If you haven’t given it much thought recently it may be time to examine the look and functionality.  Making touch ups and changes to your site is much easier than you may think and has a much bigger impact. Never lose a deal because your website is old and outdated.  Here are five areas you should look at when updating your business website.

  • Home Page. The home page of your website is very much like the exterior of a property.  A viewer will make a snap judgement based on the first thing they see.  This often will influence their opinion of the site and even how they think of you.  You may only have five seconds or less to create a positive first impression.  The home page of your site should be more about generating attention than providing information.  Think about some of the sites you personally enjoy.  If there is too much information to digest you will have a tough time taking everything in.  One way to grab attention is by placing a video in the middle of the page.  This video can be a short introduction or a 90 second daily blog about something pertinent in the real estate world.  Whatever you have on the home page it is important that you think about how it looks and if it is sending the right message.
  • Personal/Business Info. Regardless of the size of your real estate investing business people want to know who they are working with.  It is important that you have this information readily available.  On the home page, there should be a tab that breaks down your personal and business information.  There are many people who see the value in business info but question why personal is needed as well.  The answer is that business is done by real people with real emotions.  They are interested in what kind of person you are what is important to you.  A few lines about your family, hobbies or education can turn a hesitant party into one that is ready to act.  Under your business info you need to walk the line between providing previous deal history without touting your abilities too much.  You are better off stating how you got into the business, if you came from another industry and when you got started.  The more people know about you the easier it is for them to want to work with you.
  • Project History. There is a way you can show your experience without directly telling people about it.  If you have pictures or videos of previous projects, you should proudly display them on your site.  A simple tab of “previous projects” is a great way to tell other investors, sellers and even buyers what you can do.  Under each picture, you can put a few lines explaining the situation and even the resolution.  Make sure you attach a date and timeframe for handling the property.  If you have a specific niche you should put them under this section as well.  You never know what niche will generate interest from a fellow investor.  A mobile home deal you closed three years ago, may pique the curiosity of someone that comes to the site.  The same is the case with a deal obtained from a tax lien, probate, condo or anything out of the ordinary you can think of.  Any type of project history you have should be included on your website.
  • Proactively Answer Questions. What is the goal of your website?  It sounds like an easy enough question but many people struggle with the answer.  Are you looking to generate interest from potential sellers or do you want to create relationships with fellow investors?  How you answer this should dictate what is on your website.  Regardless of your focus it is important that you are proactive in answering questions people have for you.  You want to put any lingering questions to bed about you and how you work.  Providing answers to basic questions shows that are have nothing to hide and sets a good precedent for when you work together. At the bottom of this section you should leave a place to ask questions privately or reach out to you directly if there is something they want to know.
  • Provide Education Or Something Of Value. People want to work with people they are confident can complete the job they are looking for.  Without physically talking to anyone you can show them you are an expert by providing them with an educational tool.  A link to a free eBook often goes a long way in cementing you as an expert in your field.  A good idea is to give the book away to anyone who provides a name and email address.  This information can be used to help create a buyers list or simply start a relationship.

A good website won’t cost you an arm and a leg.  There are more inexpensive sources that provide quality work than ever before.  Don’t underestimate the importance of your website.

– See more at: http://www.cthomesllc.com/2017/03/5-reasons-never-neglect-business-website/#sthash.QoiZ65Da.dpuf

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